Brand Strategy 101 > How To’s

How We Run Brand Strategy Workshops

Last updated on September 8, 2022 by Adam Charlton


Running brand strategy workshops can be a daunting task. In this post we look into how to run stress-free brand strategy workshops with any size organization, in person or remote.


Table of Contents

  • What is a Brand Strategy Workshop?

  • Remote or In-Person?

  • Our Workshop Approach

  • Brand Strategy Tools

  • Conclusion

What is a Brand Strategy Workshop?

The brand strategy workshop is a collaborative meeting between the creative team and the brand leadership team to develop or update their brand strategy.


The workshop is designed to get everyone on the same page whilst uncovering key brand attributes such as personality and core values and to then build the brand mission.

Running a brand strategy workshop is not a mythical process. With any client-service provider process, the key is to be well prepared and take your time. The brand strategy workshop is the perfect environment for asking the right questions to the right people. The goal is a long-term plan that will help the organisation achieve the brand's vision and goals.

Remote or In-Person?

Remote workshops are now our go-to choice as we regularly facilitate workshops in the USA and Europe from our office in Hong Kong. To facilitate the workshop we use screen-sharing video calls or a traditional in-person presentation. The convenience and focus that video calls now allow create the perfect environment for the workshop.

  • Traditional video call software that allows screen sharing such as Google Meet, and Zoom work very well.

  • Digital whiteboards such as Miro, and Figma take collaboration to the next level allowing better collaboration but are not totally necessary as the facilitator will be sharing their screen and approach.

Whether remote or in-person, we recommend including stakeholders of various levels, positions, and specialities within the organisation. This sets a platform for a diverse, honest, and meaningful dialogue.

Our Workshop Approach

The time required for the brand strategy workshop will depend on the size and stage of the organisation. A new organisation might benefit enough from our Two-Day Brand Strategy Template. A rebrand project of an existing organisation will require more in-depth analysis and digestion, with the full 8-phase Comprehensive Brand Strategy approach.

In order to ensure the process is not rushed, we allow two sessions of two to four hours per session over a two-day period. We split the workshop over two sessions to allow the first day for discovery, and the second day for review.

Session 1 — Discovery

  • We run through the entire framework during the first day with the stakeholders. Following the workshop, without the stakeholders, we then write up our findings into the deck, reviewing and iterating on the ideas.

  • The first part of the brand strategy process is to dive deeply into your organisation to uncover your DNA, vision, and core values, and develop these into your compelling brand purpose, promise and mission.

  • During interviews with key stakeholders, we get to know the company and begin to build out our design brief.

  • The first session allows us as facilitators to ask questions, and create space for dialogue.

Session 2 — Review & iterate

  • The second session lets us run-through the whole brand strategy framework with the team, critiquing, editing, and adding to what we discovered on day one.

  • As facilitators, it is at this point we step up our diagnosis of the current brand, and take the team through the core values, culminating with our proposals for the brand’s mission statement.

  • Rather than questions of the first session, the second session uses our observations, and critical analysis to initiate dialogue. The brand strategy workshop is still in flow and requires movement, so we might go back and forth through the framework with the team, editing, observing, and talking until we reach mutual agreements.

  • The goal for the second session is to reach the finalised core values, personality, and mission statement.

Brand Strategy Tools


Brand Strategy Template — The brand strategy template is the core framework that we follow through the brand strategy workshop. The customisable PPT/ Keynote template allows real-time editing while taking centre stage during the workshop. The screen-shared brand strategy template is the focal point of the workshop that keeps everyone working together.

Brand Archetype CardsBrand archetypes are a great resource to send to the workshop participants ahead of schedule so they can start familiarising themselves and considering the personality of their brand.

Printable Worksheets — Worksheets are another great tool that allows the participants to take notes along the process. These can be consolidated by the facilitator after the first strategy session.

Core Value Explorer Cards — Helping your team or client reach their chosen brand values is often a difficult process, full of opinion, ego, and subjectivity. One of the brand strategy tools we’ve developed that help to align the team in the process, is the core value explorer tool. This is the latest tool we created to use with our clients to kickstart the core value exploration process. 180 core values consolidated into categories of Form, Success, Wisdom, Expertise, Connection, Virtue, Courage, Emotion, and Love.


It is a hugely exciting time to build brands! There are more industries, opportunities, and tools than ever before to start a business, grow it, or sell it.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when building your brand:

Slow and steady wins the race — Don't try to do too much too soon. Focus on building a strong foundation and growing your brand organically.

Plan for sustainable growth — Don't just focus on short-term profits. Make sure your business is set up for long-term success.

Focus on profitability — Every decision you make should be aligned with your goal of making a profit.

Listen to your customers — Your customers are the most important people in your business. Make sure you are always listening to their needs and feedback.



About the author, Adam —

Adam is the founder of BrandCraft, a Hong Kong-based branding agency.

On top of our client-facing projects, our small team developed BrandWerks where we create brand strategy tools and templates to help you master brand strategy and the business of design.

Our actionable tools are fully editable and founded in a commercial approach that guides your clients through the brand strategy process.

Learn more —
Brand Strategy Templates & Toolkits
Our Journey with BrandWerks