16 Questions Critical For Brand Strategy
When working with our clients, we have 16 core questions we ask through our brand strategy process.
1. When and where did your story begin?
2. What were your first products/ services?
3. What did you promise your first customers?
Customers & Competitors
4. What physical services/ products do you provide your customers?
5. What are the problems that you solve for your customers?
6. What are the personalities of your key competitors?
7. Where are there opportunities for you to differentiate from our competitors?
8. What are the three key things from your past that got you to where you are today?
9. What are the three key things you want from the next 50 years?
10. What are the three key things that make you who you are today?
11. What are your three most important brand values?
12. What are our foundation, differentiator, and driving values?
13. What does your business offer?
15. How are you unique?
16. If not for profit, why should you exist?
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BrandWerks is a design resource company focused on advancing the practice of brand strategy.
We know that brand strategy can be a difficult beast to master. We create brand strategy templates and resources that help designers, agencies, and brand strategists master brand strategy.
Our tools are actionable and fully customizable and founded in a commercial approach that helps guide you and your clients through the process.